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our journey

towards a

better life

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products & services

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& passengers


and the like-minded seeking a better life

Health, wealth and relationship. These are the conventionally known bases of happiness, or conversely unhappiness.

But happiness and unhappiness in life connote two states of the mind many can seldom dwell in reality. Happiness is wishful to many while unhappiness is what we want to avoid. Happiness and unhappiness is a continuum which we will always oscillate in between. For those of us who commonly say we are happy or unhappy, we really do not mean that we have achieved happiness in life or are dreaded for life in a state of unhappiness. When happy, we strive to be happier. When unhappy, we just want to get out of that state as soon as possible.

With COVID, happiness is distant or not even in most of our minds. If there is post COVID, most are looking forward to be less unhappy. 

Hence, my wisdom in life is to be happier striving for a better life, instead of achieving elusive happiness. A better life is a state of being which is better than previously and can be even better if we strive for it. Conversely, life can be worse than previously but from then onwards let's strive for a better life.

This is not being pessimistic. Rather, it is being realistic, practical and more congruent. As such, more will be able to identify with this approach of a better life and hence take steps towards it. We need not attain that elusive happiness but instead always move towards being happier with a better life. 

A better life with health, wealth and relationship has to be congruent with work, self and well-being. Each is integral to the state of the other two. They are not sequential nor consequential to each other but interlocked like gears of a timepiece which need to balance, harmonise and move in tandem for life to get better.

Be it well-beingself or work, we look forward to explore, engage, transact and deliver services and products online to help address and find solutions to your pains and problems.

Life may not get better with time

The pendulum of life oscillates between the continuum of better and worse

Quality of life is more a function of circumstances, not time

We commonly hear that life gets better with time

It is not true, it can get better or worst with time

job losses have proven this

illnesses have proven this

ageing has proven this

COVID has reset lives for many

A better life needs to harmonise work, self and well-being

Most of us need to always strive for a better life, irrespective of how each defines it

It is akin to reaching for the horizon, a never reaching journey

Our awakening to the path of a better life is to mitigate circumstances by continuously improve:

personal well-being

fulfilment of self

fulfilment in work

in a sustainable manner

meet choon tee

A corporate leader turned entrepreneur, business practitioner and life coach. Few have his kind of life experiences for a practitioner and coach.

Coming from a poor family, at age of 5 already helping out with family income with do-at-home work. At the supposed vibrant age of 25 just a few months after graduating in computer and information sciences from NUS, met with a traffic accident that left him in a coma with critical injuries. Prognosis was very bad then and chances were slim as per the doctors. Somehow, managed to regain consciousness after 3 days, as if from a long bad dream. Took a year to stabilise but recuperation would be a life-long journey with residual disabilities. Hence, life had to change and restart. 

First was a shattered military combat officer career because of his injuries. Yet he persevered and was promoted faster than most of his peers.

After completing military service at age 31, left to restart his career all over again in the private sector. Joining a local medium-sized IT company, he performed well again and rose rapidly through the ranks to C-level and given full business accountability in 3.5 years. After another 16 stressful years in similar roles and battling the numerous regional and global crises along the way, he ventured out on his own to seek a more meaningful purpose.  

The covid pandemic strengthened his belief that for survival and growth, small businesses even in b2b must be able to engage, sell, transact and deliver online. He sees the void online in b2b and in the ability to co-relate personal well-being, self-development and work enhancement. The missing value is in connecting the dots online in a holistic manner to bring about real and realistic improvement in life for many out there. 

His vision is to ultimately cultivate a good online following on essential and useful aspects of personal well-being, fulfilment of self and fulfilment in work for both individuals and businesses. His approach will be positiveness in thinking and actions with sharing and imparting life experiences. Towards a better life in a realistic way is the goal, not wishful promises from salesmanship on wealth and happiness in life.

" Instead of chasing the dreams which few can achieve, why not help many more attain a better life."

a better life by improving ...

personal well-being

fulfilment of self

fulfilment in work

in balance, in harmony, in tandem sustainably, alike gears of a timepiece.

taking actions 

a better life through →

A better life is the barometer for the integrated outcome of fulfilment in work, fulfilment of self and personal well-being.

There are ups and downs in life for reasons both within and beyond our control. While we rejoice the ups, we need to mitigate the negative impact of the downs. 

Coupled with changing expectations in our quest for improvement, a better life is alike a journey to the horizon, always in progress and never reaching. 

We adopt a simplified but grounded hence achievable and sustainable path to a better life through the interlocked harmony with fulfilment in work, fulfilment of self and personal well-being. 

Work, self and well-being attribute in varying degree to a better life depending on individuals and circumstances, meaning a complex combination of factors. It is a personal feel and emotional thing along what suits best. No right or wrong.

Guidance from life practitioners and coaches who have gone through life experiences is worth considering.  

Work is the wealth pillar of our life. Fulfilment in work is essential to finance the fulfilment of self which in turn enhances fulfilment in work.

Work is the performance and contribution of job expertise, knowledge and skills with the right attributes of self to achieve a purpose or result in return for a remuneration directly or indirectly.

Work is essential to earn the income to support and pay for consumption and spending essential for living the life we seek.

Enhancing fulfilment in work is necessary to remain gainfully employed so that income and more of it can be earned and accumulated to sustain the desired quality of life.

It is also the primary thrust to status in life and society. The reality for many is, stripping off work income or title is a fast track to become a nobody.

Hence, the higher the expectation in the fulfilment of self, the more important is the workplace well-being and correspondingly the fulfilment in work.

Self is the spiritual pillar of life. Fulfilment of self is the actualisation of being and purpose.

Delivering goodness to oneself actuates the feeling of achievement and fulfilment which makes life better hence happier.

Fulfilment of self builds on fundamental personal well-being to improve the quality of living a life. It can also compensate and overcome if there is an incurable side of personal well-being such as physical disability or illness.

It prepares one with skills, knowledge, capability and confidence beyond personal well-being to tread into the larger world to seek work, place, comfort and status so as to be able to lead and sustain life-long living meaningfully. It relates closely with societal and workplace well-being.

It is also the pursuit of choices and stretching limits part of life, reaching out to ambitions, counting accomplishments, engrossing in hobbies, basically doing the things one likes or challenges.

Personal well-being is the existence pillar of life. 

It is something sought by just about everyone, because it is the morale, the basis to many positive outcomes such as feeling happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful.

Personal well-being here refers to the physical, emotional and social well-being to carry on basic day-to-day living. 

We mean typical health, food and diet, exercise and fitness, relationship with family and friends, education and knowledge as well as leisure to the level which one is able to afford without hardship.

Albeit basic day-to-day living varies widely across demographics and societies. Hence, products and services and consumption levels and qualities span a wide spectrum. The personal well-being of one can be the fulfilment of self of another.

thinking aloud ...

do you realise ?

Observing and studying the online furore, we realised that most online transactions are consumer-based or b2c by small business owners, the self-employed or individuals with almost identical approaches. Many are simply peddling, pushy and over-blowing their offerings. The instinctive sense is online is about consumer spending but not for work and earnings to afford the spending. 

Little of b2b.

There are many offerings from start-your-own-online-business masters but most are about concepts, strategies and what needs to be done. Little commitment on actual execution. There are numerous connecting parts and putting them together is the major part of the efforts. Being IT savvy is an advantage. A few offer done-for-you in varying degree but the most challenging part on traffic and sales generation is still very much one's own reckoning and figuring out. 

In short, like all other businesses, there is no magic to success in online business. Most will still fail at execution. Those few successful online masters with the systems built behind them are where they are not by chance. We see only their shiny stones.  

spending is online, earning is offline, why so?   time to empower b2b online …

The online world is abuzz with sellers and consumers for products and services on health, wealth and relationship as key elements of happiness.

But consumers need income to support these purchases, the consumerism. 

Although a lot of work has been shifted online, the number of people earning from online work pales in comparison to spending online. In other words, spending is online but working for income is offline. Because most spending are by end consumers, b2c powered by social media. The vast increase online is b2c transactions, not b2b. 

But there is an explosion of non-transactional b2b activities online to replace what used to be done physically face-to-face. This should lead on to more online b2b transactions but at a slower pace as businesses need time to review and revamp. Also, conventional mentality is such that social media is personal. Most workers refrain from social media for work related. 

We want to empower online b2b social media engagement and business transactions as the necessary way forward. We warmly welcome individuals and businesses to engage and transact with us online, be it for work or personal. 

democratising school and work engagement online

School and work is self and home, self and home is school and work. Many deemed as school or work skills previously have become necessary individual skills. Online business cannot be just b2c but also very relevant and necessary for b2b. 

School and work engagement need to be democratised online to extend the direct reach of and to teachers, students, management, workers and individuals.

COVID has dealt out to us such realities.

We are excited to be able to work with you to bring about this much needed transformation to improve life of the masses.

copyright © 2021 choon tee – choontee.com, inebe.net – all rights reserved

insights n experiences based existence | execution